Coconut Cove Logan is OPEN!

* Socks are required to play on the playground, and can be purchased at Coconut Cove, if you forget 🙂 

COVID-19 Corona Virus Response

To Date, as of December 29, Coconut Cove has never had an employee test positive for COVID-19, despite having employees in the facility 10 hours per day, 6 days per week. Many of them have received tests because they are high school or college students and were tested when exposed at school. They have all, always, come back negative, which also shows that for the past 9 months, no employee has picked up COVID-19 working at Coconut Cove and none have come to work with COVID-19.

Coconut Cove is Still Open

State of Emergency Business requirements

All businesses, including bars and restaurants, must:

  • Require employees and contractors to wear a face covering while at work.
  • Ask patrons to wear a face mask.
  • Require at least 6 feet of physical distance between household groups. For bars and restaurants, at least 6 feet of physical distance is required between parties. 
  • Post signage that lists COVID-19 symptoms, asks individuals experiencing COVID-19 symptoms to stay home, and provides notice of face mask and physical distancing requirements.

Facemask Exceptions and Exemptions in the Governor’s Executive Order Relevant to Coconut Cove

  • We do NOT require kids to wear face masks while playing on the playground. (See Paragraph exception to wearing masks while exercising indoors). 
  • Adults or children do not need to wear masks while eating or drinking (See Paragraph 3.a.i)
  • Children under 3 do not need to wear masks (See Paragraph 3.b.i.)
  • A person with a medical, mental, intellectual, or health condition that prevents wearing a mask, does not need to wear a mask. (see Paragraph. 3.b.iii)

At Coconut Cove we are striving to strike the right balance between the safety, health, and confidence of our employees and guests. We’ve always tried to keep Coconut Cove fun, safe, and clean and will continue to do so with extra cleaning and safety measures.


How we Keep Coconut Cove Clean and Sanitary

The cleaning supplies and disinfectants we use at Coconut Cove kill coronaviruses.

We will clean throughout the day and continue to thoroughly disinfect the entire facility each evening as we have always done.

Our HVAC system pulls in fresh outside air


What to Expect When You Visit

Please purchase admissions and fill out waivers online in advance when possible for contactless payment and checkin. Walk-ins still welcome.

  • All kids and adults must use hand sanitizer or wash hands when they come in and leave
  • Masks are required for adults, not for children playing on the playground.
  • PPE is available for Employees
  • Employees and guests are not admitted if showing any symptoms of COVID-19 (temperature of 100.4, dry cough, etc.)
  • Adults can social distance (6,000 to 7,000 sq ft facility) with 4,000 sq ft playground.

Did You Know Outdoor Playgrounds have 60,000 Times More Bacteria Than Indoor Playgrounds?

“Kids racing down the slide at an outdoor playground may actually encounter around 60,000 times more bacteria than they would at the top of the slide at the local fast food joint or other indoor play area. In the tunnels where kids love to crawl, the difference was dramatic as well. The outdoor playground tunnels averaged 1,500 times more bacteria than the indoor playground tunnels.”

“Why the added yuck factor at the park’s play equipment? Probably because unlike most outdoor playgrounds, many indoor playgrounds (such as those in fast food restaurants) undergo regular cleaning and disinfecting.” Read more at Playground Germs: How Dirty Are They? by Home Advisor.

Coconut Cove has always maintained a clean environment, disinfecting each day, and throughout the day with disinfectants that are effective against SARS-CoV-2.

Airborne spread has not been reported for COVID-19 and it is not believed to be a major driver of transmission based on available evidence See Report of the WHO-China Joint Missionon Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19). Airborne Corona droplets only remain in the air for a few seconds before they fall to the surface.