Coconut Cove Logan is OPEN!

* Socks are required to play on the playground, and can be purchased at Coconut Cove, if you forget 🙂 

Tips for Teaching Your Kids about Goals

Tips for Teaching Your Kids about Goals

It’s that goal-setting time of year again. And teaching your kids about goals is probably one of the best goals you can set. After all, people who are good goal-setters are more productive and accomplish more. But, for kids, goal setting can be a little...
Keeping Kids Active in Winter

Keeping Kids Active in Winter

Keeping kids active in winter is no easy feat. Really, staying active through the fall and winter is hard at any age. For me, around November I go into full hibernation mode: essentially, I just want to nap and eat junk food. Cold weather just slows me down. But since...
3 Ways to Deal with School Stress

3 Ways to Deal with School Stress

School stress always hit its max for child me in mid-November. That’s when I was hitting hard content and getting way too excited for the holidays. Even when I was a worry-free kid, this time of year could be a little much to handle. I’m still not exactly...
Making New Friends: 3 Tips

Making New Friends: 3 Tips

Making new friends is a big part of life from the time you’re two to when you’re too old to be scared of it. The way you make friends changes over time—when you’re little, it’s just about who else is in the mood for tag, but as you get older, it’s more important...
How Play Helps Kids Learn

How Play Helps Kids Learn

Work and no play makes Jim a dull boy, they say, and that’s true for learning, too. Physically active, creative play helps kids learn faster and smarter, and here are five reasons why: Kids integrate what they learn into how they play. Kids often play by mimicking...
Why We’re Better Than a Kid’s Gym

Why We’re Better Than a Kid’s Gym

During the summer with no P.E. to make them run laps, parents look for creative ways to help their kids exercise. Maybe that’s why there’s been a rising trend in some areas to open a kid’s gym. A kid’s gym—what a fun idea. If by gym we’re meaning gymnastics,...